Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mother Nature is PMS-ing & we're losing our minds because of it

Sorry mom & dad, I know you taught us "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"...

Oh yeah, and not to swear.

But we were dealing with some nasty, cold days.  And it was March.  And we've both had enough of nasty, cold days.  So we used our awesome chalkboard pint glasses to express our angst.


(Update: We're now getting some lovely spring weather of sun.  My body is a sponge for UV Rays & Vitamin D.  *Knock on wood*  This weather better stick around)


  1. Precisely my sentiments. And look: it appears as though mother nature was listening. :

    -- linds

  2. So, which beer is this? Looks pretty tasty. Looks like we may be turning the corner in terms of weather. Looks like 50's (and maybe up to 60) next week. Let's not claim victory yet, but we can quietly cheer!

  3. I would wash both your mouths out with soap if I were close enough...cold weather or not!!!

  4. haha!! Linda, all my fault. Christina's inner-most thoughts; expressed in my handwriting

  5. Ha ha, I was just joking! I have probably been saying very similar words, especially since I walked Jake on so many cold days.
