Monday, July 25, 2011

A fight to the end

A quiet morning in the Sheridan shire, we found ourselves fighting for our lives against horrific beasts bearing the white hand of Saruman...
 The yellow, bloodshot eyes!
Avoid the stare!
It's too late!  We're doomed!  They've spotted us!

(This is also what happens when the pups won't leave you alone while you're trying to make biscuits)


  1. Brewer looks like he's aged quite a bit since I saw him last week. :-) Dad

  2. I'm surprised the other pups aren't licking the flour, but maybe they are waiting for the final product. - Mom L

  3. Papa - Brewer likes to pretend he is a wise, mature dog. Little does he know. :)

    Mom - Immediately after snapping the pictures, it was a whirlwind of dogs licking each others heads. They LOVE flour. And then after they cleaned their hands, they proceeded to wait for biscuits, assuming we made the food for them. Per the norm. :)

  4. Hahahahahah, - this is hilarious. How have I not seen this before!?!? :) Miss you two ...

    -- linds
