Sunday, February 12, 2012


*Disclaimer...I speak for myself.  Not my husband, family, or friends.  These are only my thoughts...*

We avoid politics in our household.  Not that we're out of touch with happenings around the nation/world, but politics, in our opinion, has become nasty, divided, & hate-filled.  Campaign ads are vicious, billions of dollars are wasted dumped in the industry, & each "side" blames the other for wrong-doings, refusing to work together to solve our nation's issues (What?!?  Work together??  Preposterous!).

Needless to say, I do have some rants on the current state of politics.  Such as, I loathe this man.  
Don't try to pretend like we're friends, Romney.  You have your head so far up your a**, you are completely out of touch with the average American.

On the other hand, I adore this man.  Evidence below:

(I realize that this post is completely one-sided & I'm not making entirely equal judgments.  Too bad.)


  1. Chicky, What about Santorum?! My feelings about him are pretty much on par with Dan Savage's Santorum definition. :)

  2. Haha! Sonja, I had to look the definition up because I hadn't heard it yet...and that is a very succinct description. :) To be honest, I didn't mention Santorum because I don't know too much about him - but now that he's back into the spotlight, I'm sure I'll see more.

  3. Love your post Chicky! Rewarding to know we taught you values that have influenced your opinions in a positive way. We can only hope that our government and political systems can transform themselves into productive and equitable entities working for the people. JIR

  4. He's a pretty legit. Although I'm frustrated at times with the lack of change, I tend to overlook the good he has done (healthcare, economy, ending two wars, etc.) Glad to read you feel Obama is still a cool dude (a purely academic description...I swear).
