Monday, May 26, 2014


As I write this post, we're at 22 weeks.  When we took the pictures, we were at 20 weeks - halfway!  Time crawled the first half but now that I'm showing (bigger everyday!) & we know the gender, time seems to be zipping by at a rapidly increasing rate...
Due Date: September 27, 2014
How Far Along: 20 weeks!  Halfway!
Symptoms:  Very little (knock on wood).  Some right upper rib pain wrapping around my back.  It's fairly common for pregnant women to experience rib pain, especially the more they grow, as their rib cages are stretching to make room for baby.  I think my right side is feeling it more because I'm right-hand dominant & my right side muscles are probably much stronger/tighter.  It's most noticeable when I'm sitting down on a couch or lying in bed.
Maternity Clothes:  Absolutely.  So damn comfortable.  The outfit from the picture above is not maternity but they're a few of the last strongholds that haven't been delegated to boxes.
Ring: Still fits!
Weight Gain: At our 20-week appointment, I'd gained approximately 14-15 lbs.  Not sure as of post date.
Cravings: Oranges, OJ, & chocolate milk.
Aversions: Meat.  The farther along, the lesser the aversion.
Running/Workouts:  Still feeling good on my runs & strength training sessions.  I stay very in-tune with my body anytime I'm working out & if I'm going to be longer than 45-minutes or so, I take water & food.  I ran a 12K trail race on May 11 & although my time was slow, I felt good & enjoyed the ride.  Early on, I purchased a maternity support belt for running purposes & after using it a few times, know it's going to be very handy in the near future.  I'm running (waddling?) a half-marathon in a few weeks & my training is on par.  By taking it easy & carefully, I hope to enjoy staying active as far into this pregnancy as possible.
Gender: (Drum roll...)
We're having a girl!!  We weren't set on a particular gender & would be happy either way - our biggest concern was knowing our baby is healthy.  Each person has an opinion on ultrasounds but we chose the modern healthcare route & selected the 20-week ultrasound (besides the ultrasound at 7 weeks, we won't have any other ultrasounds unless there are signs of complications).  I have to say, it was an absolute joy & thrill to watch as our tech checked the brain, heart, fingers, toes, arms, legs, spine...& all appeared to be developing very healthy.  When we first found out we were pregnant, I had a very strong feeling we were having a girl.  Call it motherly instinct or call it unbalanced hormones...

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