Sunday, September 28, 2014

Due date...come & gone...

We sit and wait for Baby Lipetzky to make her arrival.  Well, not really sit & wait.  Since we just purchased & moved into a house (more on that to come later!), we're keeping ourselves very, very busy.  Although it's tough keeping anxiety at bay, the home improvement projects fill our days (& nights) with plenty of tasks.

We slacked off on taking pictures recently, although we blame that entirely on the move.  With that being said, we managed, between an afternoon of showers, to capture a few pictures at our new place.

If you look closely over my shoulder, we captured a rainbow.  :)
 Guinness decided to join me for this picture, which he promptly left as his brother, Brewer, was investigating something & Guinness just couldn't wait to check it out.
 In front of the new house!  Don't mind the garbages; we're keeping those readily available while we work our way through home improvement projects.

Due Date: September 27, 2014 (womp womp, we're now past due)
Gender: Girl
Weight Gain: ~30 lbs.
Food Cravings/Aversions:  Hilarious question.  By full-term, the strong food aversions & cravings are almost disappeared.  I do find myself craving more vegetarian & less meat; I'm not sure where it stems from but if I lived alone & only cooked for myself, I probably would not be eating meat about 90% of the time.  Except for chicken nuggets - sorry folks, nothing will stop my love for chicken nuggets.  Throughout this entire pregnancy, certain meals simply don't sound good - hamburgers, steak, etc.  However, since hubby & I share cooking duties (& the poor guy would be reduced to skin & bones), we continue to eat meat as we did pre-pregnancy.  I'll eat meat if it's served but I won't be the one ordering a 1/2 pound burger when we go out to eat.
Symptoms:  Oh Lord, the hormones have hit & they've hit hard.  I will chalk some of it up to the stress of the move but I didn't understand the emotional roller coaster a lot of women complain about until this last trimester.  Whether it's choosing a couch or how to organize a closet in the new place, I can be reduced to a puddle of tears in approximately 10 seconds flat.  I can't help it & immediately after the episode passes, I can't figure out what the hell is my problem.  It's as if a crazy woman possesses my body & mind.  My dear, dear husband wins "Most Amazingly Patient" & "Best Husband" for a lifetime (X 100).
Physically, the last trimester has also been the most difficult.  My hips/back ache like an elderly rheumatic, heartburn is a common middle-of-the-night wake-up call, my bladder holds approximately 1 oz of liquid (also inducing regular nighttime interruptions), & I can't bend at the waist (making it fun when I drop something on the floor).
Otherwise, life is a peach!  :)
Ring:  Still fits...barely...  I wear it to work, otherwise it comes off.  Anytime we're doing any sort of chore, the ring stays off.  It takes very little time for my fingers to swell a bit & then I can forget taking my ring off.
Running/Workouts: Still rocking it with the workouts!  I'm taking walks around our neighborhood & have set up a workout room in our basement to lift weights.  I actually prefer weight-lifting at this point; even walking leaves me in need of a bathroom & sore lower abs.  I have also enjoyed days off because the closer we get to due date, the more tired I am & the harder my body is working (yes, cooking dinner leaves me tired).  This past weekend, we found a good deal on Craigslist for a decent treadmill, so we pulled the trigger & brought her home.  With the pending change in schedule (& weather), we know a 'mill will help us maintain our sanity.  Between hubby & myself, we will most definitely get our money's worth out of the new toy.

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