Thursday, December 4, 2014

Two months

The wax and wane of loss and life...  One day we mourn the loss of our beloved pup and the next day we celebrate two months of life for our beautiful daughter.

Munchkin turned two months on December 2 and the next day, had her two-month well visit with the pediatrician.  She didn't grow much in weight but she's grown in height and head circumference.  Yay big noggin!  More room for all that brain matter.  :)  The pediatrician isn't concerned about her weight, since she's growing in the other areas too.  She explained that sometimes babies will gain more height and weight has to catch up or vice versa.  Either way, other than a small cold (thanks to Mom & Dad), she's very healthy.  She then received five vaccinations - one oral & three injections (one injection combined vaccinations).  Oh my goodness, the scream.  She cried so hard.  But then she fell asleep & was, for the most part, a champ the rest of the day!  It doesn't hurt we spent a lot of the day snuggling.
Likes: Daddy (this girl lights UP when daddy is nearby), activity (she loves when we're in the kitchen moving around & she's in her bouncer observing & interacting), mama's milk, snuggling, being nekkid, smiling/giggling/cooing, her hands (this is a recent development - she's now watching her hands), warm shower/bath, sleeping (when she's in a deep sleep but it's nearing feeding time, you can see her internal struggle as she tries to decide whether it's time to eat or time to keep sleeping)
Dislikes: Hunger, boring or quiet rooms, getting out of the shower/bath, 5-9 p.m. (the witching hours!), vaccinations, gas

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