Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wildlife friends

We've had bird feeders in our front yard for a few years, but it seems the birds are just now getting comfortable enough to visit & enjoy the constant stream of food.  With summer finally here, we've really noticed an abundance of birds visiting, including a few beautifully colorful cuties (sorry, probably not the preferred nomenclature):

This blue fella appears to be a Lazuli Bunting, although the blurry picture & lack of a rear view make it difficult  to be certain.  My dear ornithologist brother, what's your educated guess?

This fiery bird appears to be a Western Tanager.  I adore the fabulously bright red & yellow.

[Please excuse the poor zoom - they were, after all, taken from a living room window with small zoom camera]

We've also been privy to a visit from this fantastically lemon-yellow bird, but they're too quick for us to grab a pic.


  1. I think you are right on both accounts Chicky. We have seen them in Montana, and that is what we would say. Lucky you for getting both, they are both so pretty and colorful.

  2. Your bro is in agreement. I'm slightly thrilled you're nerding out on bird identification:)
