Monday, November 1, 2010

All Hallow's Eve

Our costumes were epic.  I spent hours bent over a sewing machine.  Not to mention the blood, sweat, & tears coming up with our costume ideas.

...That's all a big, fat lie.  We like fun, easy, costumes in this household.  Behold our genius idea for this year:
Steve wore a brown shirt with "Jif" on the front & a "Wonder bread" on the back.  I wore a purple shirt with "Smucker's" on the front & "Wonder bread" on the back.

Peanut Butter & Jelly!

Thank goodness for felt, glue, & easy logos.

We didn't get a picture of us actually in our costumes.  But I think they're fairly easy to picture.  :)


  1. Looks like fun cosumes, who doesn't like peanut butter and jelly?
    You could always borrow our 'cereal killer' costume if you like.
    Miss you both.

  2. I love it! Seriously, I 'm a huge fan of creative costumes (particularly when compared to the super expensive/overly sexy costumes that you find at stores). Well done you two!!

    -- linds
