Sunday, January 9, 2011


Some recent happenings in Casa Lipetzky...

Steve taking the dogs for a trail run at Acme
Enlarge the photo...can you see the deer silhouette??  Hint, it's by the tree on the right.

Happy (& tired) dog

Sunset looking out our front door

We had a recent visit by a huge swarm of birds - there were so many of them, it sounded like a jet engine every time they flew from the trees.  They were very skittish & hopped tree-to-tree for about 20 min before taking off for a different part of town.  We watched them from the windows for awhile - their song was fun to listen to, especially with the number of birds.  It made me think Spring!

A close-up (they were hard buggers to catch because they moved so fast)

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of the deer silhouette and the gorgeous sunset. Nature really outdoes itself sometimes, doesn't it?

    That is a crazy flock of birds. :) I'm glad it made you think "spring" and not "The Birds" (Alfred Hitchcock version). Have you ever seen that movie? I remember watching it as a little girl and it totally unnerved me. I still look at birds with a bit of suspicion. ;)

    Miss you both!

    -- linds
