Sunday, January 30, 2011

We have a mouse problem

We have a mouse problem...  A mouse that is wily enough to wait until we've left the house before it appears. A mouse that dirties the couch & leaves it undesirable to sit on.  A mouse that only seems to like one area of the house.

Every morning when we leave for work, our two-seater couch looks something like this:

 The mouse really loves the top of the couch.
These things hurt.  We've experienced a few incidences of snapped thumbnails getting them ready, resulting in a loud cacophony of shouting, stomping around the room, thumb-sucking, & generally descriptive adult language ("F*&@!  I will KILL that thing if I catch it!  My thumb is going to FALL OFF!  $@&*%!@*^$#+*&#$%^&#@!!##%%^&&%$#)

It's not a good way to start the day.

But we have a picture.  We know what it looks like.  Finding it is not the problem.  It's catching it.  The mouse traps are laid in hopes of providing a permanent deterrence.  The mouse has black fur.  And she's awfully cute.


She likes to sit on the back of the couch, looking out our window.  Like a damn cat.  Typically leaving behind a trail of dog hair that inevitably ends up on your clothes.  And we don't let our dogs up on couches.  It's a bad habit - if they jump on your couch, chances are they'll jump on your friend's couch when you visit their house.

The jury is still out if the mouse traps are working.  Next option is putting on the shock collar, leaving the house & sneaking around the side to see if she jumps up on the couch...**ZAP** 


  1. Awww, she is so cute. She doesn't do anything wrong, neither do the others, it is all your imagination. :)

  2. Hahahahha. Poor Gidgie. Look at her all cute and innocent on her doggie bed. :) I love that you have smothered your couch in mouse traps...hahaha, seriously... that is hilarious (in a very, very good way.) It's funny all the habits that we try and break our animals of (guilty as charged); it's like they're training us a bit along the way. Hope Gidgie stops being mischievous so you all don't suffer any more war wounds. You will win the battle!! :)

    -- linds

  3. We had the same problem with our old pup! And I gotta say, the traps worked well for us. Some people thought it was a bit harsh, but frankly her paws were too big to get caught by the traps. It was the sound and movement that did the trick. Like you, we had a lot of finger incidents ! Best of luck!
