Sunday, January 16, 2011

What do you do when you lose motivation to run?

Why, you sign up for another marathon.

Race plans thus far:
3/26/11: Napa Valley Trail Marathon
6/18/11: Grandma's Marathon

There will most definitely be a mixture of local 5K's & 10K's, but these are the Big Kahunas that we've signed up for...& paid.  Steve's also looking into some ultras in Montana - I'll cheer him on from the side for those.  I'm having recurring flashbacks & nightmares to my marathon experience at the Nike Womens Marathon, so what better than to sign up for two marathons to beat down those painful memories?

On a side note, I'm almost positive I suffer from SAD.  Ok, suffer is a heavy word.  More like I'm "affected."  Seasonal Affective Disorder.  Winter rolls in & I turn into an unhappy, unmotivated little ball of antisocial irritability.  Let's not get into the validity of psych issues, because I'm well aware those are often scoffed at by normal functioning members of society, but winter is not happy time for me.


  1. Ah! I hope I can get my knee healed up soon to join you guys (remotely, if not in person) on some runs over the next few months.

    Chicky! SAD is a really normal thing here in Oregon where the winters are so gloomy. Fake and baking does help - but since that causes cancer, I hesitate to suggest it. My friends who feel the effects of winter the most swear by those special lamps! You should try one just for the heck of it, and see if you notice any difference. :) Spring's almost here!!

    Much love,

    -- linds

  2. Hope the sun comes out and you get out of the doldrums. We are cold here in MT, but not too many cloudy days, just a few. Probably the whole idea of cold/clouds/snow/bad weather builds up. I agree, try the light like Linds said, I hear they help.
    Good luck with the training and those marathons...
