Sunday, February 13, 2011

Who cut the cheese?

We have several homebrews on tap (I'm a lucky gal) but one of the more popular is Steve's Cascadia, which is a black IPA.
Love this pint glass from a brewery in Utah...if you look closely, underneath the name, it says "Good for What Ales You."
We're continuing to experiment with cheese-making. We have yet to taste-test the final products, but currently a Farmhouse Cheddar & a Manchego are aging in our basement.

This morning I made crepes with a homemade mascarpone filling, topped with strawberries.

Homemade mascarpone is out-of-this-world delicious. So creamy. And so easy to make. Adding a bit of powdered sugar & almond extract, we had a crepe filling in a snap.

Tonight's menu includes a Cheddar-Ale soup with homemade Naan bread.

Before I finish breakfast, I'm already planning dinner. People wonder why I run so much.


  1. "People wonder why I run so much"...haha. All of this looks delicious.

  2. Oh my goodness. That mascarpone looks like it's to die for. Seriously. Can we twist your arms into bringing some of this yummy goodness to Montana this summer?!? :)

    -- linds

  3. Chicky, I want to taste all of these goodies. Don't tell me again leftovers won't work! :-)

  4. Linds, we'd gladly bring some to for you to enjoy!

    And Pops, we'll save some for you. :) Just don't wait too long...or we'll devour it all! ;)

  5. Christina,
    This has nothing to do with beer or cheese, but I thought of you when I saw this blog post:

  6. Sonja, that is fabulous! Thank you! My rainbow colors have always been I know the trick. :)
