Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why I don't always get along with Old Man Winter

I'm not made for cold weather.  I love the change of seasons.  But Old Man Winter has a way of reminding me that I am no match for freezing temperatures.  Evidence below...

Raynaud's Phenomenon.  The glorious thing about Raynaud's is it doesn't have to be cold & I can have an attack.  Reaching into the freezer, holding a cold drink...I used to have photo evidence of my fingers turning white after a trail run in 80 degree summer weather.   It can affect my toes, but they have the luck of gravity on their side - the blood is forced to flow to my toes.  This picture was taken a bit over halfway through our 20-mile training run this morning.  It doesn't help my body was working to move as much blood flow to my legs.  But I had heavy duty leather mittens on during the run.

When it hits, it hits hard.  It can be fun to scare people with my fingers when they turn white.  Some get really freaked out when they see fingers with no blood in them.  It's like Halloween every day for me.

After warming the fingers & changing to another pair of gloves, we completed the run.  20.6 miles.  Can't complain about that.


  1. I'll have to take responsibility for the genetic trait since I also have Raynaud's. But then again, all that beauty and charming personality I gave you balances it all out!
    Congratulations on the 20+ miler Love, Papa

  2. It's ok Papa. It can be a great way to: A) Start a conversation and B) Get sympathy when I start whining about the cold. :) Totally works in my favor! It can be annoying, but after 27 years, I can predict when it's coming on & know how to handle it.

  3. Chicky!! I also have Reynauds. Family friends in high school used to call me the 'Thermometer Girl' because you could stick me outside and tell how cold it was by the amount of blood leaving my hands. Given that winter appears to have a death grip on DC ...I have had many Reynauds moments over the past 1.5 months. :) Still... I have to admit that it's impressive your hands got that white with both leather gloves and mittens. Hahhaha. you are extra special. Good job on all the running!!

    -- linds

  4. I have Raynaud's too! (mine is secondary to my autoimmune disease...) it gets really bad when I am playing hockey... I have to take meds in the colder months to help manage it.. :)

    ps - I am starting to run.. my cousin on the other side of my family is trying to convince me to do a half marathon with her in oct.. ha.

