Thursday, April 7, 2011

Well hello world

It's been awhile.  We've been busy & it's resulted in a lack of blogging.  Our sincerest apologies, we'll now return to regular programming.

We recently took a vacation to Napa Valley to run a race & explore the region (aka wine taste).  The area is definitely beautiful, but the constant rain made it slightly difficult to enjoy the beauty.  So we ran a race in the mud & then spent the rest of the vacation indoors, drinking wine & microbrews.  A perfect vacation, no?  The rain began the day we flew into Sacramento & did not stop until our last day in Napa.  Then the sun came out, the winds stopped, & the temps rose to 70 degrees.  Feeling slighted by Mother Nature was unavoidable.  But it was wonderful to be away from Sheridan, eat at many wonderful restaurants (I think food was one of my favorite parts of the trip - Napa Valley definitely has an abundance of amazing chefs), taste some delicious (& not-so-delicious) wines & beers, & relax.  Pictures to follow.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with our regularly featured feathered- & furred-friends.
A dog thoroughly enjoying his Sunday afternoon nap

Spring has sprung!  And our neighborhood squirrel friend has awoken from his winter hibernation.  He's also managed to find all the unharvested corn stalks from our garden & spread them over the entire neighborhood (as pictured).  If a neighbor asks why there are small corn stalks in their yard, I plan to play ignorant.

Don't watch me eat!

Heyyyyyyyy laaaaaaadies!

You'll have to excuse the two bare-bottomed chickens (on the right).  They are not diseased.  They are not dying.  They are not the rare varietal chicken known as "featherless butt" (no such chicken).  The white chicken on the left just happens to be a bully & has been caught pecking the feathers off the other two ladies' rear ends.  Poor things can't avoid her.  Imagine having to put your ass in the air every time you want to eat?  

(Despite their oddities, everyone should go out, find some scrap wood, build a chicken coop, & purchase a few small, peeping, cute, fluff ball chicks.  Other than a few months of no-laying in the winter, we're getting 2-4 eggs each day.  It's amazing.)

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you are back in the blogging business with a funny and very eloquent posting. Love Papa
