Sunday, May 29, 2011

Found the camera

A lack of posting with pictures is due to the fact we couldn't find our camera after travelling back from Piedmont a few weekends ago.  That's because we safely put the camera in the glove box in my car, only to forget where we safely stored it.  We're getting old.

As I uploaded recent pictures, I stumbled upon the pics below, taken while in Piedmont.
 Gidget refuses to miss any action going on around her, so she usually falls asleep sitting up.
 Oh, this table leg is so comfy to sleep on!
 Steve sets the trends for running attire in his Hawaiian swim trunks, knee-high compression socks, & neon yellow running shoes.  Gidget is digging it.  It's so amazing, he was bathed in bright light from behind.
(Or Steve forgot running shorts when we visited Piedmont & my dad lent him a pair.  Except Steve is quite a bit taller than Papa Ramirez - and these shorts were the only pair long enough & wouldn't have gotten the cops called on Steve for indecent exposure.)

1 comment:

  1. Good pictures Chicky; glad to hear you found your cam. If you think you are getting old...I have the big six 0 birthday coming up! Love Papa
